Features of The Subject
Following are the main features of The Subject that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System.
- Got awesome visuals.
- Got high resolution textures.
- Add a standalone entry to your library.
- The subject is a sci-fi horror puzzle game designed to combine a mix of classic puzzle adventure games with horror elements.
- You will need to learn to navigate the complex to find your way to the various puzzles set out in the experiment and discover the reason behind the testing.
- You are being monitored by those running the tests and are required to visit a bio-data terminal periodically to record your vital signs and other data for record keeping. If you fail to do so, you will be removed from testing by euthanization.
System Requirements of The Subject
Before you start The Subject Free Download make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.
- Operating System: Windows 7/10
- CPU: 2 GHz or higher
- RAM: 4GB
- Setup Size: 793.5MB
- Hard Disk Space: 6GB
The Subject PC Game 2018 Overview

In 2194 humanity has populated the entire galaxy. As our existence expanded, crime became harder and harder to control in the vast reaches of space. As a result, laws became more strict. Government attempts to wrangle the issue bolstered a growing police force and, over many years, the reach of law enforcement grew larger and more aggressive. The general population, simply wanting to feel safe, grew more accepting and the first fully commercially run prison systems took form. Nearly one hundred years later, in 2290 imprisonment is common place. A blind trust has been placed in the commercial justice system eventually landing every day people in jail for years for even the smallest offenses creating a massive divide between the idea of prisoner and person. Hundreds of commercial prisons and law enforcement companies thrive.
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